The lighter fractions also remove the protective grease normally present on the surface of the skin rendering the skin dry, liable to crack and more prone to damage caused by cuts and abrasions. The effect of mineral oils on the skin vary according to the duration of exposure. KEROSENE & GAS OIL FUELS (MINERAL OILS) 1. GLUES, SEALANTS & PAINT Glues, Sealants and Paint are used in the product and present no known hazards when used in the manner for which they are intended. When disposing, reduce dust with water spray, ensure parts are securely wrapped. After handling wash hands and other exposed parts. Use (disposable) gloves, face masks and eye protection.

When handling avoid inhalation and contact with the skin or eyes. May be irritating to the skin, eyes, nose or throat. INSULATION & SEALS Glass Rope, Mineral Wool, Insulation Pads, Ceramic Fibre, Fibre Glass Insulation.

When working on the appliance it is the Users/Engineers responsibility to ensure that any necessary personal protective clothing or equipment is worn appropriate to parts that could be considered as being hazardous toĢ of 77 health and safety. This appliance may contain some of the materials below. To fulfil this requirement products are comprehensively tested and examined before dispatch. The Company takes every reasonable care to ensure that these products are designed and constructed to meet these general safety requirements, when properly used and installed. Under the Consumer Protection Act 1987 and the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, it is a requirement to provide information on substances hazardous to health (COSHH Regulations 1988). 5 Date of Issue February 2003 HEALTH AND SAFETY INFORMATION FOR THE INSTALLER AND SERVICE ENGINEER.
1 of 77 COMBI OPERATING, INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE MANUAL for CAMRAY 5 COMBI Oil Fired Boilers (55, 70A & 90A) Manual Part No PL50000 Issue No.